
some thinkings and links

Hello, it's been a minute since I've posted anything. No, it's not procrastination. No, I'm not hiding any great project up my sleeve. It's actually got more to do with my creativity.

For the first time in my life I was in a position where my art needed to buy me food, shelter, and everything else I needed. And it's not as easy as I was hoping it would be. Being in this position, it's difficult to summon up the courage to venture into the studio. You can't help but feel stifled and stuck. (Or as least, I felt this way.) All of the sudden, before I realized it, my creativity had dried up and vanished. Completely and utterly gone.

I pretended for a long while it was a phase, but the phase went on for almost a year. At the beginning, I looked up interesting art projects and artists and tried to get inspired. I toyed around with computer graphics programs, and pretended that was a great artistic outlet. But it wasn't giving me what I needed.

I found that out as the year came to a close, and I had plenty of built up emotions and ideas that I usually channel through artwork. But without the outlet, I bottled it all up inside, and didn't even notice.

Honestly, I thought I was going crazy. I couldn't figure out where my mind was. Finally, I had some small released. I managed to work in some art journals, a couple drawings, some small things here and there. But overall, I was still blocked up.

Last night I realized what it is. Rather, Daniel realized what it is.

I was growing irritated with the growing need to be consistent, concise in subject matter, style, and technique. It was driving me insane. I'm a girl of many interests, and being that I'm so complex and crazy, I need to be able to express them all. Because I do love them all. But I kept thinking that "it's more impressive to have a concise and consistent portfolio".

After listening me babble that nonsense for about twenty minutes, Daniel basically said, "Well, you have many things you do. Who says you can't do them all?"

And I really got it. So, I've decided to change directions. I've decided to try and expand what I do, experiment more, try new things, and grow. After all, lack of growth is probably the worst thing for a creative professional. It just took me a year to realize that.

Coming Soon

So, now, I've redirected what I'm doing. You can expect more tutorials, how-to's, tips, tricks, recommendations, and the like.
You can also expect more art journal pages, original artworks, mixed media, watercolor, inks, and a whole lot of wonderful artsy creations. (I'm quite excited to see where this all goes myself!)

I've joined a few websites, if you have a moment, go check them out, tell me what you like (or don't like) about my art, say hello!


Thank you!

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